"Anyone who truly believes there are safer drugs than marijuana is an idiot, and they shouldn't be giving medical advise to a dead dog. There is one drug on earth that is completely nontoxic, one drug that absolutely CANNOT kill the patient. Advil kills over 800 people each and every year, I don't hear these fake "drug warriros" screaming about the horrors of advil abuse. I wonder why? Could it be they don't know what they are yapping about? Could it be they aren't really worried about patients or safety, but are instead only worried about their own personal biases? Either way if you are suffering in pain don't listen to any wanna be doctors who think pills are safe, don't listen to any imbeciles who uses words like "gateway drug", don't listen to any family members who seem like they think death is preferable to using the "evil" cannabis plant. Marijuana should be your FIRST line of defense. It is the only nontoxic drug on the planet, so it should always be your first option. If it doesn't work, then you move to deadly/addictive pills. But you always start with the safer choice. It's your life, don't risk it."
Joey Ismail · Top Commenter http://www.htrnews.com/comments/article/20130122/MAN0602/301220146/Letter-Marijuana-often-best-method-pain-control
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