sabato 31 maggio 2014

martedì 27 maggio 2014

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Stazioni del Mondo - Home○L'Anno con Stazioni del Mondo inizia alla grande! Aggiunte la stazione di Volterra, Aguas Calientes, Ollantaytambo, la linea Cecina - Volterra e la linea Poroy ...
Stazioni del Mondo - Stazioni Italiane ITALIANE. Cliccando sulle varie regioni italiane nella cartina ...
#nudityPhobia ( Kleider machen Leute )

lunedì 26 maggio 2014
da: Marietta Hoevel <>
a: Angelika Yates ,
 Elmer Schmitz ,,
 andrea iezzi ,
 Andreas Rockstein ,
 Andreas Steiner
data: 27 maggio 2014 04:15
oggetto: Re: Gary hat Post von der ihk und der Deutschen Bank
proveniente da:

  • ( ... ) 1,893 Exemplare, 37 Rezensionen
Marco Lupo
Foto del profilo di Marco Lupo
Il nome è finto, la foto anche. Tutto il resto è vero. Anche io.
gmail gibt mir kein vollstaendiges Verzeichnis meiner mailadressen,
also kann ich Gary's info@wikinea ( und weiter weiss ich nicht )
zur Zeit nicht finden ... uebrigens, hier für Dich mal die mailadresse
von Frank Brockmann ( Du erinnerst Dich ):

eigentlich suchte/hätte ich gern gehabt ... die mailadresse von
Franco Cianfrini oder/und ... diejenige von Luciano D'Angelo ...
wie gesagt, ich kann derzeit, im Gegenstaz zu frueher, nicht
auf ein halbwegs vollstaendiges Verzeichnis meiner bei denen ( Larry Page )
gespeicherten Adressen zugreifen,

ich wuerde dir gjetzt gern ein buch ( a book )
eines schrifstellers ueber das leben eines russen
empfehlen, das marina lepenis mir einmal
ausgeliehen hat, empfehlen
aber mir faellt gerade ( also jetzt KELVINATOR )
der titel nicht mehr ein, owohl es nur des mannes name war ...
lies doch mal Thomal Bernhard "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige"
( hab ich mal versucht zu uebersetzen, 1995 , als ich
bei HUMANA gearbeitet habe )
oder, "die Lücke, die der Teufel ließ" von Alexander Kluge

venerdì 23 maggio 2014

@handsoffsyria ... "a number of external players in the crisis in Syria are carrying out a destructive role" ...
#langugeKnowledge can be intriguing , if You read #Odessa backwards it will read #adesso  ... this is the Italian for "now"

( actually it may be impossible to listen to the music ... not interested in the video )

Islamist terrorists attacked ... a group of people who supported syrian president, Bashar Al-Assad.

Islamist terrorists attacked ... a group of people who supported the syrian president, Bashar Al-Assad.
Terroristi islamisti hanno attaccato un gruppo di persone che sostenevano il presidente siriano, Bashar Al-Assad.
Terroristas islamistas atacaron ... un grupo de personas que apoyaban al presidente sirio Bashar Al-Assad.

mercoledì 21 maggio 2014

mercoledì 14 maggio 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
everyone's fundamental rights are respected ... not before #cannabis for recreational use legal
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Embedded image permalink

martedì 6 maggio 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Obama "It's an interesting social experiment. I do hope it doesn't lead to whole lot of paranoid people who think that the federal government's out to get them and listening to their phone calls. That would be a problem."

domenica 4 maggio 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
"Smoking weed is the most natural way to relax when you need to unwind." Dragon Of The Clouds