sabato 27 dicembre 2014

Volunteer forces fighting against the ISIL Takfiri terrorists say US military aircraft have dropped weapons in areas held by the terrorist group in Iraq.

martedì 9 dicembre 2014

​‘Heinous crime’: Syria urges UN to sanction Israel over Damascus airstrikes

UN details Israel helping Syrian rebels at Golan Heights

mercoledì 12 novembre 2014

everyone's fundamental rights are respected ... not before
#cannabis for recreational use is legal
"The have fought terrorists for nearly 4 years all over , they didn't do this to have it divided by morons in the West." AJ.Darcy @ajdarcy78 Global citizen who just happens to have a major interest in Middle East Geopolitics, especially  & ....hate proxy wars 
Europe - Planet Earth ·
"Alle ‪#‎Staatsgewalt‬ geht vom Volke aus 
Aber das Volk darf nicht alles wissen.
Alle Gewalt geht vom ‪#‎Kapitalismus‬ aus. 
Das wäre zutreffend"

Klaus Hoffmeister

domenica 9 novembre 2014

"The have fought terrorists for nearly 4 years all over , they didn't do this to have it divided by morons in the West." AJ.Darcy @ajdarcy78 Global citizen who just happens to have a major interest in Middle East Geopolitics, especially  & ....hate proxy wars 
Europe - Planet Earth ·

lunedì 4 agosto 2014

domenica 27 luglio 2014

sabato 26 luglio 2014

everyone's fundamental rights are respected ... not before #cannabis for recreational use legal
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

venerdì 25 luglio 2014

you might contact 'gothp' directly by mail:

sabato 31 maggio 2014

martedì 27 maggio 2014

pentru toate posibilitățile de continuare a svilluppo

für alle updates auf die Weiterentwicklung
per tutte le possibilita' di ulteriore svilluppo
Choose a light or dark theme.... goticPunk
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Stazioni del Mondo - Home○L'Anno con Stazioni del Mondo inizia alla grande! Aggiunte la stazione di Volterra, Aguas Calientes, Ollantaytambo, la linea Cecina - Volterra e la linea Poroy ...
Stazioni del Mondo - Stazioni Italiane ITALIANE. Cliccando sulle varie regioni italiane nella cartina ...
#nudityPhobia ( Kleider machen Leute )

lunedì 26 maggio 2014
da: Marietta Hoevel <>
a: Angelika Yates ,
 Elmer Schmitz ,,
 andrea iezzi ,
 Andreas Rockstein ,
 Andreas Steiner
data: 27 maggio 2014 04:15
oggetto: Re: Gary hat Post von der ihk und der Deutschen Bank
proveniente da:

  • ( ... ) 1,893 Exemplare, 37 Rezensionen
Marco Lupo
Foto del profilo di Marco Lupo
Il nome è finto, la foto anche. Tutto il resto è vero. Anche io.
gmail gibt mir kein vollstaendiges Verzeichnis meiner mailadressen,
also kann ich Gary's info@wikinea ( und weiter weiss ich nicht )
zur Zeit nicht finden ... uebrigens, hier für Dich mal die mailadresse
von Frank Brockmann ( Du erinnerst Dich ):

eigentlich suchte/hätte ich gern gehabt ... die mailadresse von
Franco Cianfrini oder/und ... diejenige von Luciano D'Angelo ...
wie gesagt, ich kann derzeit, im Gegenstaz zu frueher, nicht
auf ein halbwegs vollstaendiges Verzeichnis meiner bei denen ( Larry Page )
gespeicherten Adressen zugreifen,

ich wuerde dir gjetzt gern ein buch ( a book )
eines schrifstellers ueber das leben eines russen
empfehlen, das marina lepenis mir einmal
ausgeliehen hat, empfehlen
aber mir faellt gerade ( also jetzt KELVINATOR )
der titel nicht mehr ein, owohl es nur des mannes name war ...
lies doch mal Thomal Bernhard "Der Ignorant und der Wahnsinnige"
( hab ich mal versucht zu uebersetzen, 1995 , als ich
bei HUMANA gearbeitet habe )
oder, "die Lücke, die der Teufel ließ" von Alexander Kluge

venerdì 23 maggio 2014

@handsoffsyria ... "a number of external players in the crisis in Syria are carrying out a destructive role" ...
#langugeKnowledge can be intriguing , if You read #Odessa backwards it will read #adesso  ... this is the Italian for "now"

( actually it may be impossible to listen to the music ... not interested in the video )

Islamist terrorists attacked ... a group of people who supported syrian president, Bashar Al-Assad.

Islamist terrorists attacked ... a group of people who supported the syrian president, Bashar Al-Assad.
Terroristi islamisti hanno attaccato un gruppo di persone che sostenevano il presidente siriano, Bashar Al-Assad.
Terroristas islamistas atacaron ... un grupo de personas que apoyaban al presidente sirio Bashar Al-Assad.

mercoledì 21 maggio 2014

mercoledì 14 maggio 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
everyone's fundamental rights are respected ... not before #cannabis for recreational use legal
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
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martedì 6 maggio 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Obama "It's an interesting social experiment. I do hope it doesn't lead to whole lot of paranoid people who think that the federal government's out to get them and listening to their phone calls. That would be a problem."

domenica 4 maggio 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
"Smoking weed is the most natural way to relax when you need to unwind." Dragon Of The Clouds

mercoledì 9 aprile 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

martedì 1 aprile 2014

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Embedded image permalink
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
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lunedì 31 marzo 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Embedded image permalink
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
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martedì 25 marzo 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Marijuana Prohibition is the Golden Cash Cow for the "Policing for Profit Industry" but it is also a vicious, deadly crime against humanity.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

lunedì 24 marzo 2014

sabato 22 marzo 2014

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Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
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Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Frauen in #Syrien wissen genau warum sie lieber Dr. #Assad statt #NATOislamisten wollen.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

Öcalans’s Newroz 2014 message: Time for Negotiations

Greetings to all those whose hearts are ablaze with the fire of Newroz for peace and freedom!
I greet our people who have turned the magnificent Newroz fire into a celebration of revival and democracy in Mesopotamia – the cradle of civilisations.
Via all of you I send my love to all the youth and women of my country. I call on all those who have opened room for peace in their heart and hear our voice as well as all of Turkey to unite with the centuries old spirit of solidarity.
I also celebrate the festivities of sister peoples of the Middle East and Asia who were the cradle of the world civilisation history.
I send you all my heartful greetings. Greetings to all!
We extinguished the war fire that turns young saplings, beloved persons, loves and labour into ashes and ignited the grand revival torch for peace on a day like this, last Newroz.
The beloved people of Turkey!
History has shown us that if a decisive leadership for peace is not displayed then historical problems shall follow its own course and shall generally generate, through transformations with huge losses, their own responses. The question before us that scorchingly awaits an answer is whether we shall continue to make headway through recurring coups or through a complete and radical democracy.
The current concrete situation we have experienced since last Newroz represents exactly this crossroad. The 200 year old conspiratorial-putschist regime based on capitalist modernity shall either restore itself and sustain power or the Turkish-Kurdish relations reseated on its historical course shall go through the most comprehensive reforms with a regime based on democratic constitution that shall dismantle the conspiratorial-putschist mechanisms. All other short term gateways and temporary forms have now petered out.
To date it was a dialogue process that was conducted and it was of importance. Both sides tested the good will, realism and proficiency of one another during this time. Both sides have come out of this test, the quest for peace, with determination despite the government’s reluctance, one-sided implementations, avoidance of creating a legal basis and stance of prolonging things. However although dialogue processes are important they are not binding. Therefore they do not constitute an adequate guarantee for a lasting peace. A legal framework for the systematics of negotiations is now unavoidable.
Peace is more difficult than war but each warfare certainly has its own peace. We were not scared as we resisted; we will also not be scared when we make peace.
Our resistance was not against the sister peoples but against the tyrannical order with hegemonic character that disregards, destroys and denies. Therefore our peace is not for governments or states but for the peoples of Anatolia, Kurdistan and Mesopotamia who have absorbed the thousands of years old ancient values of these lands and are the unique preparators of the world’s cultural heritage. The government and state are obliged to develop a sobriety which is in line with this reality.
Our grand peace journey has come under many attacks such as the one faced in Oslo, Paris, Gever, Lice as well as the KCK operations and the cruel attitude towards the ill prisoners. It is this movement; it is indeed you who shall spoil all such dirty games, weaken and thwart the domination of the international GLADIO. The struggle we have waged played a huge part in rendering all orders of tutelage in the whole region ineffective. It is our historical responsibility to display sufficient care against international plots appearing before us in various forms.
On the other hand a responsible manner of address and speech shall not only render many racist psychological warfare methods invalid, it shall also be the fundamental character of our grand peace.
Such a peace shall only be strengthened by solutions through democratic constitutions throughout the region and above all in Rojava.
Women shall become the true guarantors of this peace not only because of their accumulated great potential for freedom and equality but because of the new ethical and aesthetic values they have added to the democratic social development.
Our movement began as a youth movement and has always stayed young. The youth shall yet be the unflinching defenders of this peace in the face of all attacks and provocations against it.

Our people dispersed all around the world, and especially those in Europe, shall become our voice that speaks out for peace and an honourable free life.
All our comrades who without any hesitation gave their lives, health and freedom wherever hope was fading shall be our fundamental pillars.
Peoples of Turkey, with our thousand year old tradition of amity, shall give the most effective response to the racist, discriminatory, arrogant and hate speeches.
I salute you all with my belief for a free and fully democratic country where all beliefs, peoples, cultures and labour shall feel free and with revolutionary feelings.
I call on all those who feel a sense of responsibility towards this era and humanity to become the building blocks of this grand peace of ours.
Salute to all those who take on responsibility for amity between peoples!
Long Live Newroz!
Long Live Amity Between Peoples!

 ... #UNmafiaGladio #criminalWallstreetNATO ... #drugProhibitionMustEnd #kapitalResetNeeded
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Even one person incarcerated over cannabis is too much... #ReLegalize

mercoledì 19 marzo 2014

Jason Han ‏@hanjixin 

The West made over #Crimea so many comments on the value of international law that it seems amazing they still do what they do in #Syria.

martedì 18 marzo 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
"Yes I AM an activist. Yes I use #cannabis.. and i call it like i see it. 
#Cannabis and greed do not belong together. Its disgusting."

giovedì 13 marzo 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
When I'm high I feel like my thoughts have thoughts.

'gothp' @gothp

13th March 2014 from TwitLonger
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
everyone's fundamental rights are respected ... not before #cannabis for recreational use legal

martedì 11 marzo 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Embedded image permalink

sabato 8 marzo 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
If politicians had any interest in world peace, cannabis would be completely legal

giovedì 27 febbraio 2014

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.