sabato 6 aprile 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

martedì 12 marzo 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

lunedì 11 marzo 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

Legality of cannabis by country

giovedì 7 marzo 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

Let us all fight to have #marijuana #leagalized #worldWide in 2013 , no #overregulation. ... and #stopThePharmaLobby
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.


"Assad’s statement came during a meeting with a Turkish opposition delegation. 

The Syrian President told the Republican People's Party delegation there was "a need to distinguish between the stance of the Turkish people, who support stability in Syria, and the positions of Erdogan's government, which supports terrorism, extremism and destabilization in the region," state-run news agency SANA reported.

"The Syrian people appreciates the position adopted by forces and parties in Turkey that reject the Erdogan government's negative impact on our societies, which are multi-religious and multi-ethnic," Assad added."


domenica 3 marzo 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

Dialog ist die Lösung - Nein zum Krieg in Syrien 16.03.13

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
President Assad: "Threatening by ideology more than the killing. The killing is dangerous, of course, but what is irreversible is the ideology; that is dangerous and we have been warning of this for many years even before the conflict; we have been dealing with these ideologies since the late seventies. We were the first in the region to deal with such terrorists who have been assuming the mantle of Islam. 
We have consistently been warning of this, especially in the last decade during the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq. The West is only reacting to the situation not acting. We need to act by dealing with the ideology first. A war on terror without dealing with the ideology will lead you nowhere and will only make things worse. So, it is threatening and it is dangerous, not just to Syria but to the whole region."

giovedì 28 febbraio 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

Sāṭeʿ ساطع ‏@sate3
John Kerry holds a press conference with a declared Al-Qaeda supporter (Moaz Al-Khatib) & Americans don't give a shit about that. #Syria
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

... Joep Oomen: Cannabis Social Clubs - European Update - Encod 2013 ...

lunedì 25 febbraio 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
"Let’s not forget what is taking place in Syria right now is a proxy war that is being controlled by the West and its allies within the region."

sabato 16 febbraio 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
“If we want to really care about civil liberties in Syria, why don’t we really care about the secret prisons we have and the history of torture we have in this country?” Ron Paul

venerdì 15 febbraio 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
"The herb is commonly grown in the private gardens of many North Koreans"
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
"The herb of the bohemian and free is not even considered a drug."
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
"Mein Ansatz ist, dass meine Arbeit sinnvoll ist und wirklich dem Gemeinwohl dient." Ralph Boes

giovedì 31 gennaio 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

'gothp' ‏@

... if there only was a George Galloway PM in every European Country, ... EU really would deserve Peace Price

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
... "The Syrian military statement said that the attack came after many unsuccessful attempts by the "armed terrorist groups" to capture this site over the past months, hinting that the Israeli air raid played in the hands of the rebels."...

... "Syrian authorities have protested to the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF), which monitors the ceasefire in the Golan Heights between Israel and Syria, that Israeli planes had flown over the area of separation." ...
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

... "Damascus says the airstrike violates the 1974 disengagement agreement that established a ceasefire between the two sides." ...

... On Thursday the Russian Foreign Ministry  expressed its concern over reports of the Israeli airstrike, saying that any unprovoked attack on the territory of a sovereign state is in violation of the UN Charter. ...

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
... „Wenn die Informationen bestätigt werden, haben wir es mit nicht-provozierten Angriffen auf Ziele in einem souveränen Staat zu tun. Dies wäre ein grober Verstoß gegen die UN-Charta“, teilte das Außenministerium in Moskau heute mit. Angriffe auf Ziele in einem souveränen Staat seien „nicht hinnehmbar – aus welchen Motiven dies auch immer geschehen mag“.  ...

... "Die libanesische Hisbollah wirft Israel vor, Teil einer „Verschwörung“ gegen Syrien zu sein."...

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

... "Allein DIE LINKE lehnt die neuen Waffen strikt ab.
Die Bundesregierung und die rot-grüne Scheinopposition sind ja seit mehreren Jahren von der Logik des Krieges überzeugt. Das fing an mit den deutschen Bomben auf Belgrad und drückt sich aktuell in ihrer Unterstützung des französischen Krieges in Mali aus. Es ist klar, dass für diese Parteien die Beschaffung noch effizienterer Kriegswaffen nur die rasantere Fortsetzung ihrer bisherigeren Militär-Politik ist. Stattdessen wäre eine Besinnung auf die Formel „Nie wieder Krieg“ dringend nötig. ...
Die Befürworter des Drohnen-Einsatzes schaffen die Illusion vom „sauberen Krieg“ ..."
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
... "disturbing to those who believe in the received narratives about Israeli security policy being morally or tactically motivated and therefore justifiable" ...
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
"Israel must withdraw all settlers from the West Bank or potentially face a case at the international criminal court (ICC) for serious violations of international law, says a report by a United Nations agency"...
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

mercoledì 30 gennaio 2013

martedì 29 gennaio 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.
Embedded image permalink

lunedì 28 gennaio 2013

domenica 27 gennaio 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

Image will appear as a link
  1.   thank You very much for this one, ... indeed, all European neoliberal capitalists should go to ... in time
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

RT  Out of these 2 people who would you choose to lead your country ?    

venerdì 25 gennaio 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

  1. Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction.: $600 Trillion Derivatives 20 Times the Global GDP -   
 ... this is what  should be about ... we need to  , have  and real  now
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

Sometimes it's hard not to feel like this...: 
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

  • legalize marijuana, regulate and tax its production, distribution and use
  • invest in prevention and education programs to promote awareness of the health risks and consequences of marijuana use and dependency – especially amongst youth
  • extend amnesty to Canadians convicted of simple and minimal marijuana possession
  • work with provinces and municipalities on a coordinated regulatory approach
... I agree, and like this comment: "This, finally, is the right move. ..." from Bruce Ryan ... # # ...

giovedì 24 gennaio 2013

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

I'm sure weed likes teaching those who smoke it, to, never hurt, and to have respect for others, let them live their lives.
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

... "Die Pipeline war zu Beginn der Unruhen in Syrien bis Damaskus fertiggestellt. Wenn das Projekt erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden kann wird eine Russisch – Iranische Allianz 40 – 50 % des Erdgases, dass in der EU über die kommenden hundert Jahre verbraucht wird, liefern. Diese Entwicklung ist insbesondere für die USA und Israel nicht akzeptabel." ...
Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

Marijuana doesn't keep you from your dreams, but marijuanaprohibition can.

  1. Do you want to see full legalization in CA (like WA or CO in a year) or a well-regulated medical market (like CO right now)?